More About Us
An Experienced Team
With an experienced core team of leaders with recovery experience, and Laura Burwick’s expertise both in counseling in alcohol and substance abuse and as a Sozo minister at the Transformation Center, Hope Recovery is well positioned to support people in recovery and their families. A team of students from BSSM join each school year to support the ministry. As a community, Hope Recovery is open to all students and church attenders with or without experience in addictive behaviors.

Meeting Details
Meetings are structured around a core of activities:
- Worship
- Testimonies
- Ministry Time
We rotate each week through a series of activities which include:
- Guest Speaker: Covering a variety of topics over the year
- Testimony: From an individual or family member of someone affected by addiction
- Small Group Discussions: Based on material covered by the guest speaker
- Family Nights: A shared meal, games, and celebrating freedom
- Encounter Nights: Encountering God through the prophetic and healing