
Together, we're making a difference.

Part of being a healthy and thriving local church family is being actively involved, so jump in and join a team! Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form, and take a moment to look through the serve opportunities below.

Volunteer Interest Form

Serve At A Bethel Event

Volunteer at a Bethel event! Scroll to the bottom of each event page to sign up. Here are the current opportunities:

There are currently no scheduled events looking for volunteers. Check back soon.

Serve Opportunities

Discover volunteer opportunities with ministries and departments at Bethel.

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Bethel's Admin Building is where much of the behind-the-scenes administration and work takes place.

Brad Everett
office@bethel.comView MinistryView MinistryView Ministry
Bethel Christian School
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Event Planning

Assist with various events, marketing, and/or catering needs hosted at BCS.

Cheree Foy
cheree.foy@bethel.comView Ministry
School Production Assistant

Assist with school musicals and productions.

Becka Holt
rebecca.quilala-holt@bethel.comView Ministry
School Volunteer

Opportunities include: crossing/traffic control, listening to students read, grading papers, tutoring, prep work, art, lunch/recess assistant, classroom aide, library and computer lab aide, and general maintenance. May require fingerprinting.

Cheree Foy
cheree.foy@bethel.comView Ministry
Church Life
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Diamond Fellowship

Diamond Fellowship is a gathering for those age 55 and older, but all ages are welcome to attend. We gather together for worship, prayer, encouraging messages, and fellowship as we pursue our mission of revival. There are many volunteer opportunities on our team.

Jeff Kalte
seniors@bethel.comView Ministry
Equip Classes

Each year, over 50 Equip Classes are offered where participants get to grow together, ask questions, make new friends, and enjoy a shared passion for a particular subject—turning our learning into dynamic, effective ministry for our spheres of influence. Volunteer opportunities include: hospitality team, administration, sound/video tech, and teaching.

Kristy Tillman
equip@bethel.comView Ministry
Language Translation
Nicole Rippin
translations@bethel.comView Ministry
Small Group Leaders

Small Groups provide a great way to connect with a smaller group of people and are a safe place to be known, encouraged, celebrated, and challenged. Format varies based on group. Volunteer opportunities include: starting and co/leading a group, hosting a group, administration, and helping plan and host events and training.

Kristy Tillman
connect@bethel.comView Ministry
Women's Core Group Leaders

Women's Core Groups are small, intentional groups of women who meet together regularly. These groups are designed to create a safe place for women to connect at a deeper level, where friendships are formed and belonging is found.

Cecilia Chavez
womenscoregroups@bethel.comView Ministry
Creative Arts
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Dance & Flags

The expression of dance is used to reveal God’s heart. Our mission is to see each person develop to their fullest potential, physically and spiritually, through training and mentoring.

Saara Taina
dance@bethel.comView Ministry
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Auditorium Set-Up for Events

Help with chair lifting, chair stacking, and general maneuvering.

Joshua Frost
facilities@bethel.comView Ministry
Events Volunteers

Help our team with chair lifting, stacking, and general maneuvering for church events.

Joshua Frost
facilities@bethel.comView Ministry
Local Church Events

Local church events happen throughout the year to create opportunities for locals to build community, do life together, and make fun memories along the way.

Martin Chiarot Ministry
Video Production

Volunteer with the Production team at events and services!

Jesse Maitland
video.production@bethel.comView Ministry
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Auditorium Set-Up

Help with chair lifting, stacking, and general maneuvering in preparation for our weekend service.

Joshua Frost
facilities@bethel.comView Ministry
Custodial Help

Help with light to medium duty maintaining of our various building facilities.

Joshua Frost
facilities@bethel.comView Ministry
Expert Volunteering

We are looking for those skilled in electrical, air conditioning, concrete, plumbing, painting, carpentry, and small projects.

Dave Runyan
facilities@bethel.comView Ministry
Landscaping Help

Assist with general landscaping.

Dave Runyan
facilities@bethel.comView Ministry
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Healing Rooms

A family of passionate, joy-filled believers gathering weekly to host Jesus, who paid through His suffering so all may be healed. In the atmosphere of heaven, we see sickness and pain flee as miracles happen every week!

Chuck Parry
healingrooms@bethel.comView Ministry
Ministry Team

The Bethel Ministry Team has the privilege of ministering on the front lines after weekend services. You will get to lead people into an encounter with the Holy Spirit, partner with heaven, and see people get healed, set free, and experience the Father’s heart.

Chuck Parry
ministryream@bethel.comView Ministry
Kids & Youth
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Bethel Kids: Breakthrough

Join our team and serve kids with additional needs, facilitating encounters with God in a wide variety of differently-abled ways.

Kiki Knight
breakthrough@bethel.comView Ministry
Bethel Kids: Early Years & Elementary Teams

Volunteer and Staff positions available!

Dave Hill
kids@bethel.comView Ministry
Young Saints

Young Saints Jr. High and High School Ministry exists to raise up and release influencers that carry revival and bring reformation to their world.

Rory Helart
youth@bethel.comView Ministry
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Adult or Youth Mentoring Program

Approved mentors are matched with at-risk juveniles or adults who have been referred to Hope City’s Restorative Justice Programs. They create positive relationships, assist in developing healthy social skills, and help mentees complete assignments. Approved mentors will have to successfully submit and clear a criminal background check and fingerprinting.

Jackie Durant
info@hopecityredding.comView Ministry
Community Justice Panels

Trained community members meet with victims and/or wrongdoers in a restorative talking circle process, use restorative justice principles to address crimes or conflict within the community, and provide a safe place for victims and wrongdoers to tell their stories.

Jackie Durant
info@hopecityredding.comView Ministry
Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) Program

Approved mentors can volunteer to partner with HOPE City in this program for the residents at juvenile hall. The LOT Program is an honors and extra-curricular program offered to those residents whose behavior has earned the privilege of attending.

Jackie Durant
info@hopecityredding.comView Ministry
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Bethel Global Response

Bethel Global Response is Bethel's disaster relief ministry. Our volunteers are trained to assist in emergencies by bringing both practical aid and spiritual breakthrough. Whether assisting in ash outs for homes destroyed by fire, placing tarp on roofs for homes ravaged by hurricanes,  feeding the displaced at shelters, or providing food and supplies at distribution centers, our responders bring hope and help people begin to dream again. Join us!

Carl Ladd
globalresponse@bethel.comView Ministry
Hospitality/Housing Missionaries

Interested in hosting visiting missionaries from around the world? Many come here to be refreshed and revitalized, and they are in need of help with affordable lodging. We are looking for people willing to host a missionary family, for varying durations, at a low cost or no cost at all.

John & Cindi Taylor
missions.longterm@bethel.comView Ministry
Serve Bethel Missions

There are a variety of ways that you can get involved and serve at Bethel Missions. Click here to learn more!

John & Cindi Taylor
missions.longterm@bethel.comView Ministry
New Believers
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Join our newcomer and new believer ministry.

Tom Crandall
firestarters@bethel.comView Ministry
Freedom Team

Serve in our altar call ministry.

Tom Crandall
freedomteam@bethel.comView Ministry
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Interact with and minister to people from our city who are reaching out to Bethel for help with practical resources such as food, clothing, and shelter.

Rob Armbruster
outreach@bethel.comView Ministry
Juvenile Hall

Minister to troubled youth (ages 10-18). Application, clearance form, and 3-4 week approval period for each case-by-case application is involved.

hall-bahring1@gmail.comView Ministry
Special Outreach Events

Volunteer with Bethel Outreach! Summer Block-Parties, Backpack Giveaway, Thanksgiving Celebration, and Holiday Feast.

Kelimar Vallecillo
outreach@bethel.comView Ministry
Prophetic & Prayer
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Medical Chaplaincy

Provide support, prayer, and covering for people in crisis.

Jeff Kalte
jeff.kalte@bethel.comView Ministry
Pastor on Call

Join our team! We create the opportunity for people in crisis to experience God’s presence so powerfully that their lives are transformed by His love. As a team, we love to cultivate an atmosphere of worship, connection, and fellowship.

Jeff Kalte
pastoroncall@bethel.comView Ministry
Prophetic Ministry

Want to bless and encourage people using your prophetic gift? Join our prophetic teams, which serve in several areas throughout the church.

Lindsey Reiman
propheticministry@bethel.comView Ministry
Social Justice
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No volunteer opportunities currently listed. Check back soon.
Weekend Services
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If you enjoy meeting new people, we would love your smiling face to greet and welcome the local church family as they arrive at our weekend services.

Heini Euliano
hospitality@bethel.comView Ministry
Hospitality Administration

If you enjoy administration and helping behind the scenes we would love to have your help on the Hospitality Team with scheduling and basic administration.

Heini Euliano
hospitality@bethel.comView Ministry
Lobby Hosts

Located in our lobbies, our main focus is to answer questions, connect with people, and pastor their environment. We also assist with our FreeBrews Coffee station

Heini Euliano
hospitality@bethel.comView Ministry
Parking Crew

It’s “Grand Central Station” here on Sunday mornings! Join our smiling (and sometimes dancing) parking lot crew to help the traffic flow during morning services.

Dusty Rogers
hospitality@bethel.comView Ministry

An usher conveys hospitality and friendliness to our local church family and guests.

Heini Euliano
hospitality@bethel.comView Ministry
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No volunteer opportunities currently listed. Check back soon.
Young Adults
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Tribe Young Adults

Tribe is Bethel’s young adult community (ages 18-30s) that meets most weeks in the Twin View Sanctuary. To get involved in serving, we welcome you to attend on Tuesdays and connect with one of our leaders, or contact us by email below.

Brad Klynsmith
tribe@bethel.comView Ministry