Better Together
Biblical Community at the Core
At the heart of the Community Life Ministry is Biblical community, which is a life-giving and essential part of our faith and relationship with God and our witness to the world. We really are better together (Romans 12:4-5) and we can only truly experience the fullness of who God is and therefore the fullness of life when we function together, in unity, as one in the same way that the Father and Jesus were one. Don’t just take it from us though. Scripture reveals much about the power of being connected as the body of Christ in community.
One of our favorite truths is that community attracts the Holy Spirit! Matthew 18:20 says that the Holy Spirit is present whenever believers gather together. A great example of this was the early church of Acts, which made a habit of meeting together in their homes, eating together, and worshiping together. As a result, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:46-47).
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