Physical Healing

Healing Testimonies from Randy Clark Healing School 2018

January 29, 2018
People report healing of carpal tunnel and plantar fasciitis pain during the Randy Clark School of Healing and Impartation.
  • I was watching the Healing Conference on Bethel TV, and while Randy was showing the video when the lady with the crowbar was talking about her ears, I felt something in my right ear and my hearing improved. I also had a bump in my ear canal that disappeared.
  • My right hip is significantly better!
  • I just want to give a testimony that my carpal tunnel syndrome was instantly healed after watching the testimony video earlier. Praise the Lord.
  • I received healing in the left shoulder while watching and healing in the left knee.
  • Watching now. Plantar Fasciitis since last summer healed! So cool! Jesus!
  • I couldn't raise my left arm without a lot of pain. I have no idea what happened, but for over a month now I've been in pain. While the words were being spoken out, my shoulder was healed at least 80%. I can raise my arm without any pain.
  • I'm listening and watching Randy Clark tonight. During his testimony video, two women testified of healing in the left ear of hearing loss. I've had hearing loss in my left ear for several years due to chronic illness and surgeries as a child. It has been difficult to hear my daughter talking to me. My hearing was healed during the video and became very sharp. The TV started sounding too loud! Praise Jesus for his faithfulness and goodness!
  • Lower back pain is 80% gone!  More God!  Yes, and Amen!  Thank you, Jesus!
  • God healed my neck tonight! Thank You, Jesus!!

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