Physical Healing

Healing of Lyme Disease & Mold Poisoning

April 25, 2016
A person was healed of Lyme Disease and mold poisoning.

Two and a half years ago, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and mold poisoning. My symptoms were zero sleep for months, acute anxiety/panic (7 on a scale of 10), freezing cold (no matter how hot the room), and zero energy. I could not work or move around much and carried considerable hopelessness. I was not responding to any of the medical treatments. Most made me worse. There are three testimonies I wish to share.

First, before I knew about Bethel, after two years of relentless suffering, one evening I fell to my knees and said to God, "I can't take this anymore. Either heal me or end it." (I was at the depths of hopelessness and did not think I would last much longer.) A few minutes later, I forgot why I was on my knees. God came and so completely removed all my anxiety, fear, and hopelessness, in a split second, that I forgot why I was on my knees! Everything was suddenly all right. It took my mind a few minutes to realize what had happened. It was a miracle.

Second, when I discovered Bethel, each time I came, I felt healing on multiple levels. During each Friday night service, I could not stop crying. It felt like God was wringing away a lot of shame and purifying me. The healing continued through the next morning in the Healing Rooms. I left feeling I was completely healed. Then the symptoms would return after a few days. With repeated visits to Bethel, I began to notice I was improving with each visit and that I started responding to medical treatments. I am now 70% recovered. I have my life back, and I am no longer suffering. It's virtually over. The mold tests show I'm 75% free of mold. There are no Lyme tests to confirm its absence. But the anxiety is completely gone, I'm no longer freezing (still a bit cold-sensitive), I'm sleeping (with the help of meds), but am beginning to taper off. God via Bethel has saved my life. And I am so much happier now than I ever was before this illness, I feel there has been healing on multiple levels (mental, emotional, spiritual).

Third, during one Friday night service, while enjoying God's presence with my arms raised, I felt three strong painful contractions in my heart, and with each contraction heard my heart say yes, yes, yes. I sat down afterward overwhelmed with energy and totally exhausted. It felt like my heart surrendered to God (it had nothing to do with my mind) and that I was totally free of whatever caused that shame that God was wringing out of me.

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