This testimony is from a woman who attended the Healing and Impartation Conference with Randy Clark and Bill Johnson in Redding, California:
I came to the conference with my husband and the birth grandparents of my daughter's adopted son, as they invited us to join them. I did have some outward physical things I was dealing with, such as calcification tendonitis of my left shoulder, and right foot Plantar Fasciitis. So I kept checking for healing after prayers. I knew in my heart that the internal things not seen are more important, like osteoporosis, and borderline diabetes (small bone/not overweight) are seen by God as well. I was excited about all the healings that happened even though I wasn't aware of any for myself. Four months later, allergy season began. I have dealt with allergies every season since moving to the Willamette Valley, the grass seed capital of the world. I ended up with bronchitis every summer until I gave in and began allergy medication, which helped me deal with the symptoms. I still could not touch my eyes, as they would itch and if rubbed swell. Terrible. I was talking to my eldest daughter, who has allergies like I do, on the phone and asked if she had a cold. She replied that her allergies were terrible. I then recalled wiping yellow pollen off my deck glass table, washing car windows of yellow pollen, and somewhat thinking that this was strange that allergies had not begun for me. That was the first time I was aware that God healed me of allergies!