Physical Healing

Healed of Nuchal Translucency and Fetal Hydrops

March 21, 2018
A baby was healed in the womb and was born without any of the expected complications or abnormalities.

Margaret came to the Randy Clark Healing School in Redding, California, in January 2018 to receive prayer for healing for herself and her grandchild. Her pregnant daughter Alana was expecting her fifth child, which was a surprise blessing! Alana had gone in for a check-up at 11.5 weeks, and a heartbeat at first could not be detected. However, an ultrasound picked up the heartbeat but revealed that the baby had nuchal translucency at a level of 6.1, which suggested major genetic abnormalities. Anything over 3.5 usually indicates possible Downs Syndrome. The baby also had fetal hydrops, which occur when abnormal amounts of fluid build up in 2 or more body areas of a fetus, usually in the lungs, abdomen, or heart. The doctor wondered how Margaret's daughter was still carrying the baby. Children with these problems usually are miscarried. The doctor offered very little hope and predicted Alana would lose the baby. Her husband Jake checked with a close friend who is an OB-GYN, and he had the same opinion. Margaret brought the sonogram with her to the healing school, determined to have people lay hands on it. The first people to pray for her were Eleanor and Dennis Hansen. Their daughter had received a similar dire diagnosis when she was pregnant with their grandson, so they could relate. Eleanor shared the testimony of her grandson's healing in the womb. Born healthy, he is now 11 years old. Eleanor and Dennis spoke life over the unborn child and felt this child would have a mighty anointing. In another service, Margaret was drawn to a BSSM student named Stella and asked Stella to lay hands on the sonogram and pray. Stella, too, released a testimony of a friend's twins who were healed of abnormalities in the womb and were born healthy. Another person to pray for her grandchild was Bill Johnson. He, too, spoke life over the child and prayed for a creative miracle. He shared the miracle testimony of another grandmother who had asked him for prayer for her unborn grandchild, who had no fingers or toes and whose organs were growing outside of the body. God answered; the child grew fingers and toes and the organs went back into the body. The baby was born healthy! Bill prayed that testimony would increase her faith. It certainly did because it was the third testimony she had heard. Margaret came home with so much hope for her grandchild. Less than two weeks later, on Jan. 30, Margaret's daughter went to see her OB-GYN, who assumed she was coming because she had miscarried. When they did an ultrasound, the doctor was blown away because the baby was normal! The nuchal translucency had dropped to 3.07, and the fluid in the child's abdomen and around the heart was gone. No medical procedures were involved in the child's healing. The ultrasound also revealed that Alana and Jake were going to have a son! Alana returned 4 weeks later in February for her next sonogram. The nuchal translucency was 2.0 and no fluid was found in any organs! The doctor announced, "We do not need to do any more tests. This baby is healed! There is no medical explanation for this...except to say it's a miracle!" Margaret, her daughter Alana, and Alana's husband Jake give all the honor and glory to the Lord for this child's miraculous healing! This child was not planned, except by God. What mighty plans He must have for this child!

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