Physical Healing

Healed of Gluten Intolerance

March 22, 2017
Healed of food allergies and gluten intolerance.

We received this testimony:

I have struggled with stomach problems for around 17 years. I could never figure out what was wrong with me because the symptoms kept changing. Around three years ago, I discovered the gluten-free diet, which dramatically made a difference. I never felt 100 percent well, but I was pretty good overall. Recently, I started pursuing total wholeness in my body. I decided that God wants me well. He doesn't want me struggling, watching every ingredient, cooking everything from scratch, barely eating out, etc.

I've also been wearing glasses/contacts for most of my life, and I get congested almost every night. Sometimes I just sneeze a lot, and other times I wake up with chest pains from not being able to breathe because my nose is completely closed. I went to the Healing Rooms at Bethel on August 27th and asked for prayer for my vision to be restored, for nightly congestion to stop, and healing of food allergies. The presence of God was so beautiful there. I thought even if no one prayed for me, I could be healed. First, a man named Rick and three little girls came up to me. One of the little girls drew me a picture that said, "You will eat better." That really touched me. Another little girl (Naomi from Sweden) prayed for my eyes. She saw me singing (I lead worship at my church). Rick had a lot of prophetic words for me. In relation to my healing, he said these were all distractions from the enemy to keep me from my destiny. He said that in the next 72 hours, I would start seeing changes in my body, especially in the stomach area. I then had another group pray for me. One lady saw a chain breaking. She said it was the fear of food being broken. (This is something I had struggled with for years. Even after starting the gluten-free diet, I was afraid of food, of how I'd feel after eating it.) Another lady saw a covered wagon filled with wheat. She didn't know why the covered wagon, but I knew. My sister and I had flown to Bethel before, but on a whim, we decided to drive cross-country this time. We took a long road trip and joked about how it was kind of like the Oregon Trail. We even saw covered wagon tours on the way. God has a sense of humor, I guess. I was so touched and blessed in the Healing Rooms that day. I got much-needed ministry. I feel like I walked away with a SOZO experience, but it's such a long story and I'd like to focus on the testimony.

Three days later, my sister and I were overnighting at the Trump in Vegas. We went down to the restaurant there and ordered food. While we were waiting for our food, they brought us fresh bread and butter. We, of course, ignored it, both being gluten-free. As we sat there, hungry, we started joking about eating the bread and then I thought, Why not? So we ate the bread, and it was delish. The next day I felt fine. I should have become very bloated and uncomfortable, but I was fine. We kept driving to Denver, where I tried banana bread for breakfast, and once again I was fine. Long story short, I came back home to Chicago completely healed from whatever food intolerances I had. It's been three weeks now, and I'm just so amazed at what God did. I feel well! Before, even if I had a sauce in a restaurant that wasn't labeled gluten-free, I could be bloated and feeling terrible for days, even weeks. I've been eating out. I've had all sorts of food, and I feel great. I even had communion at my church for the first time in three years last Sunday!

I'm so thankful to God for healing me! I have no doubt that it's only a matter of time before my sinuses and vision are completely restored. God is just so very good!

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