Physical Healing

Healed of Effects of Bulimia

June 27, 2016
A woman suffering from the effect of bulimia gets her periods regulated again.

This is my third time here. When I came last year, it was for WorshipU, and Kris Vallotton gave a talk on purity. I almost left because I am married, so I did not think there was anything for me in it, but then I decided to stay and listen. Toward the end, Kris talked about renewing your virginity. I took it because I have been sexually abused in the past. I had no idea what I could get, so I said, "I want it, whatever you have." The next day or two days later, I had my period. That was strong for me. The first time I was sexually abused, I was in middle school, and I became bulimic, which messed up my period. I only had it every three months or so and would have severe cramps with it. It was weird to have it again as I had just had it a month before. God had brought me to the Scripture about the woman with the issue of blood who had suffered for 12 years. I had suffered for 12 years, too. Now my period doesn't hurt anymore like it used to. The healing God had already done in me emotionally, He now has done physically. It's been a year now, and it's been regular ever since, and I no longer fear not being able to conceive.

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