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Matt & Elisabeth King

Matt & Elisabeth King are former Revival Group Pastors in BSSM - serving for a period of four years.

They have just finished a season as itinerant ministers in Europe, ministering in churches and conducting evangelistic events all over Europe. Matt was also the principal of a school of revival (full-time ministry school) in Bergen, Norway.

They now reside in Canberra and are doing itinerant ministry in Australia. Matt is committed to equipping and strengthening the church, instilling a kingdom-culture, and empowering believers in a lifestyle of healing, miracles and the gifts of the Spirit. 

Together, they are laying the early building blocks of a new church plant in Sydney, Australia.

Matt is also the group leader of those in Australia & New Zealand belonging to Bethel Leaders Network. Through this role he provides input and strengthening for senior and associate church leaders.  

Matt and Elisabeth are proud parents to Noah, Emilia & Victoria.

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Matt & Elisabeth King

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