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Dr. Mike Hutchings

Associate Evangelist, Global Awakening

Mike Hutchings has 35 years of pastoral, church planting, and pastoring pastors experience in various church cultures including Baptist, Vineyard, Willow Creek, and Mennonite. In Peoria, Illinois, Mike partnered with the leadership team of a Transforming Revival Pastors’ Group where the city experienced significant transformation through prayer and unity.Mike has worked as a licensed behavioral therapist in private practice counseling and as a clinical coordinator for a counseling program serving homeless and runaway youth and their families. Mike met Randy Clark as a fellow Baptist pastor in 1983. He was part of the meetings at Randy’s church in 1984 when Blaine Cook and a team from the Vineyard ministered and brought radical transformation to many leaders.

Now, as an associate evangelist with Global Awakening, Mike conducts “Healing PTSD” training seminars throughout the country, training prayer ministers, clergy, chaplains, and counselors to utilize a healing prayer model to bring restoration to those suffering from PTSD.

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