Dr. Jennifer Kang is a Ob/Gyn practicing in Redding, California, where she resides with her husband and four beautiful children. She received her B.S in Neuroscience and M.D. at the University of Rochester, and then completed residency training in Ob/Gyn at Brown University/Women & Infants Hospital. She then served in the Navajo Nation Indian Health Service, where she began to discover how partnership with Holy Spirit can fuse with medical healing.
In 2013, she moved with her husband and children to Redding, California and founded Selah Women’s Health, a practice that seeks to empower women and their families into full healing and destiny and where partnership with Holy Spirit is seen as central to healing. Her goal is to see this practice expand beyond women’s health through cross-discipline partnerships based on Kingdom honor. Her other current interests include calling medical providers to be healers with Holy Spirit, energizing education of medical providers in these new models, and promoting scientific research in a Kingdom model.