Stewarding Revival—Take the Journey with Us

Church News

Stewarding Revival—Take the Journey with Us


God is inviting each of us to journey with Him in discovering the part He has called us to play in revival. Whether examining how we steward revival in our personal lives, as communities, or as the Body, stewarding revival impacts each area of our stories. 

Download the journals below and take part in these journal-based conversations with God. Let’s reflect on how we are each called to steward revival and put our faith to action.

Download and print part three of three, "Stewarding Revival as a Movement", in this journal-based conversation with God about how we can steward revival in our family, friends, and community.

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Download and print part two of three, "Stewarding Revival in Community", in this journal-based conversation with God about how we can steward revival in our family, friends, and community.

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Download and print part one of three, "Stewarding Revival Personally", in this journal-based conversation with God about how we can take personal responsibility of how we invite Heaven to earth.

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About Bethel Church of Redding

Founded in 1954 and previously a part of the Assemblies of God, Bethel Church is a non-denominational church in Redding, California with a congregation of almost 10,000 people (including members, regular attendees, students, and children) in a city of approximately 91,000. To learn more about Bethel, we invite you to read our statement of faith and core values, discover our weekend service times, and listen to recent messages.



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