Revival is not just for those in full-time vocational ministry. Every follower of Jesus is called to be a minister of God!
You may think about revival and count yourself out. You may even question what ministry looks like when it’s not in the context of church. The truth is, you don’t have to figure it out alone. You are significant and we believe God has a purpose for your life.
At Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, we're passionate about equipping revivalists from all over the world and of any age to shift culture and bring transformation to their sphere of influence. Our students experience radical personal transformation through encountering the presence of God, and growth that leads them to become walking encounters with Holy Spirit in all parts of their lives. We’re expecting the same for you.
So wherever you are on your journey, we want to invite you to join us at BSSM. Applications for our Fall 2023 On-Campus or Online program have just opened! Learn more and apply now at
Founded in 1954 and previously a part of the Assemblies of God, Bethel Church is a non-denominational church in Redding, California with a congregation of almost 10,000 people (including members, regular attendees, students, and children) in a city of approximately 91,000. To learn more about Bethel, we invite you to read our statement of faith and core values, discover our weekend service times, and listen to recent messages.
April 26, 2024
Support Tracy Evans and her team as they provide milk for Mozambican moms and their babies.
April 7, 2024
Apply for Encounter High School today!
April 7, 2024
Learn more about how you can launch yourself into the tech space through Bethel Tech.