Revival Through His Manifest Presence: 7-Day Fast

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Jan 5, 2025


Jan 12, 2025

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Revival Through His Manifest Presence: 7-Day Fast

Revival Through His Manifest Presence: 7-Day Fast


Sunday, January 5, 2025


Sunday, January 12, 2025




Redding, CA


Last year as an in-person and online community, we committed ourselves to a time of seeking the heart of the Lord through fasting and prayer. This time was special, a first-fruits offering of the new year, where we fasted in various ways in order to create space to feast on His presence and invite His priorities for 2024 to become our own. This year, we are once again coming together to consecrate the first full week of the year to the Lord as we pursue the mandate He has given to us: revival through His manifest presence.

We are gathering January 5-12 for times of prayer, worship, and collective fasting, to connect with the Lord more intentionally and align with His heart and priorities. We believe that the global Body of Christ is stepping into a New Era—a new wineskin primed with hope for His presence to be experienced in greater measure, abundant breakthrough, and expressions of the miraculous. This New Era is full of promise, and we are gathering in faith to apprehend what has been prophesied. In this atmosphere of expectancy and hope, we believe the Church will see impossibilities yielding to the Lord and a fresh wave of revival on the earth. We are also believing that a great part of the fruit of this will be a harvest of salvation and a stirring in the hearts of God’s people to pray and intercede for His love and power to be made known to the world.

Please read more about fasting and our corporate prayer points in a letter from our Lead Pastor, Dann Farrelly, below.

Schedule of Events


Sunday, January 5, 2025


Sunday, January 12, 2025


00:00am - 00:00pm


Redding, CA




A Note from Pastor Dann Farrelly

A fast involves sacrificing something important (even vital, like food) to create time, space, and focus to commune with God about the things on His heart and yours. In this way, fasting is feasting on His sustaining presence. The goal is to draw near to God, so it always involves speaking with and listening to God. Merely abstaining from food or some other activity is not the goal, but a means to create the space to focus on communion with Him.

In all Scripture, humility, rather than pride or status-seeking, was a key component of holy fasting and prayer (Lk. 18:12-14) and fasting without obedience to the Lord’s commands was useless and self-deceiving. In the Old Testament, there was only one commanded fast in the law of Moses (most of their worship involved eating and/or feasting!). It was a one-day fast of repentance on the Day of Atonement when the high priest offered a sacrifice on behalf of the people for their sin. Old Testament leaders called fasts in times of corporate repentance, crisis, grief, or desire for God’s direct intervention and protection, and when seeking His direction, facing opposition, or taking on a high-stakes assignment for the Lord and His people.

In the New Testament, while not elevating fasting in the way John the Baptist's disciples or the Pharisees had, Jesus affirmed that His people would fast during the time when He was physically not with His disciples (Lk. 5:34-39) as a sign of their longing for “the bridegroom”. Jesus Himself fasted 40 days before beginning His ministry (Mk. 4:1-13). He expected humility, focus on the Lord, and a complete lack of self-seeking attention when His people fasted (Matt. 6:16-18). At least once, the Church fasted before choosing and sending its leaders (Acts 14:23).

Since communion with Him is the goal of the fast, we should each seek the Lord about the things on His heart for us individually and corporately. Asking Him what to fast, for how long, and what He’d like to accomplish in and for us is a great first step. Sometimes we get a clear sense of these things; other times we don’t, but instead move in faithfulness to wait on Him and take on some of the objectives revealed in Scripture, or follow the emphases our leadership team is calling for below.

We have shaped this fast to last one week so we can corporately maintain focus and celebrate its conclusion on the next Sunday, January 12, 2025. Additionally, some of you may want to invite your friends over to pray for an hour in the evenings or schedule times to go on prayer walks with others if you’re able. The hope is that we are fasting, focusing, and “feasting” together rather than merely trying to “go it alone”—although this might be the call upon some of us.

If you have generally fasted things like sweets, technology, television, marital sexual relations (1 Cor. 7:5), coffee, social media, or negativity, we’d encourage you to fast something that creates time so you can spend it with the Lord and others for this fast. If you have never fasted food, you might talk to the Lord about fasting food for one or two meals or days (the first three days are generally the hardest), the whole week, or from sunrise to sunset during the week. We want you to partner with the Lord in this. It is wise to talk with God about your plan and then seek His grace to enable you to complete it. We will have an anonymous sign-up in our church lobbies on Sunday, December 29 and Sunday, January 5 so you can identify what you are fasting and how long as a way of consecrating yourself to this time and doing it together.

Finally, fasting will likely create blocks of time in your schedule that are often filled with other behaviors like eating. For this week, try to intentionally use these new blocks of time to pursue the Lord in prayer, worship, the Word, study of something that spiritually benefits you, journaling with the Lord, rich community, or service to others—rather than merely distracting yourself or filling up these spaces with other activities. Perhaps there is a Christian book or devotional you’ve meant to dive into and now is the time to read it while in conversation and connection with the Lord.

We’re excited for this time of consecrated communion with God’s presence as a body and as individuals. We invite you to join us for our daily prayer gatherings, and journey with us through daily local church emails.

Many Blessings,
Dann Farrelly and the Bethel Leadership Team


Schedule of Events

Day 1: Sunday, Jan 5

Church Services @ 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:30am*, 1:00pm, and 6:00pm*


Day 2: Monday, Jan 6

Prayer & Intercession Gathering @ 7:30am - 8:30am

Worship Room @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm


Day 3: Tuesday, Jan 7

Prayer & Intercession Gathering @ 7:30am - 8:30am

Prayer & Worship @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Equip Classes @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm


Day 4: Wednesday, Jan 8

Prayer & Intercession Gathering @ 7:30am - 8:30am


Day 5: Thursday, Jan 9

Prayer & Intercession Gathering @ 7:30am - 8:30am

Prayer & Worship with BCS @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm


Day 6: Friday, Jan 10

Prayer & Intercession Gathering @ 7:30am - 8:30am

Prayer & Worship Gathering @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm


Day 7: Saturday, Jan 11

Prayer & Intercession Gathering @ 8:30am - 9:30am


Sunday Church Services, Jan 12

Church Services @ 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:30am*, 1:00pm, and 6:00pm*


*Denotes Streamed Service via Bethel.Online


Join the Fast Online!

Get connected and join us for our Revival Through His Manifest Presence: 7-Day Fast.


Here are some points we will focus on and pray through during our 7-Day Fast:

  • Eyes to see and ears to hear what the Lord is doing in our midst. (Is 43:19; Matt 13:15). Pray for eyes to see what the Holy Spirit is inviting us into as a family, community, and for the church at large. Pray for ears to hear what God is saying to and over us as individuals and as a community. We ask God to awaken us to rightly perceive what He is saying and doing in this new era, and we pray for grace to follow Him with great wisdom and faith

  • Pray for the grace to let go of things that are weights and encumbrances, in order to apprehend all that He is inviting us into. (Hebrews 12:1) Pray for grace to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate anything that we cannot take into the next season, and the strength to lay those things down at His feet. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

  • Pray for a Gift of Faith in order to apprehend what we perceive He is doing. “Jesus said to him, ‘If  you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’ Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:23 - 24). Andrew Wommack recently released a rich deposit to our house on the gift of faith. He said: “Faith is seeing with your heart what you can’t see with your eyes or feel with your emotions. It helps you appropriate and give substance to what you cannot see, but is real.” In this new era, we are praying for both the faith that grows by perseverance and faithfulness and for the faith of God to be greatly deposited in our hearts. When faith unites with the Word of God, we are able to receive the courage, tenacity, and focus we need to acquire and possess that which has been promised. (Hebrews 4)

  • Pray for the Church in this Great Awakening that has been prophesied. Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon every household and for the Church to arise in the power of the Holy Spirit, for such a time as this. Pray for the world to come into the knowledge of Christ Jesus crucified and for the power of the Gospel to be living and active in our lives. (Joel 2:28; Psalm 57:8; Romans 13:1;  Hebrew 4:12)

  • Pray for the Gospel to go far and wide and for the  Lord to raise up and send laborers to minister in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to fill us with His Spirit and give us courage to boldly proclaim the Good News. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives…” Is 61:1

  • Pray for our families as we step into this New Era. Where war has been waged on our family structure, let the Lord shine His light and shower His mercy over us. Pray for our children to have hearts that seek the Lord, and a longing to walk in truth and know His love. Pray for leaders to rise in this generation who will live in righteousness and Godly character. Pray for marriages to be strengthened and upheld by the Holy Spirit. Pray for restoration of relationship and reconciliation where there has been offense. Pray for healthy Christ-like communities of believers to be raised up amongst us that minister in reconciliation and the grace and mercy of Jesus to restore people—body, soul, and spirit. (Psalm 68:4-6; 2 Cor 5: 14-21)

  • Pray for provision and resources and wisdom as we build to carry out the mandate we have been given for this New Era. Pray for wisdom to receive the new wineskin the Lord has and to build the building He has invited us to build. Pray for wisdom and humility to continue to steward the resting of His glory that we might be entrusted with more from His heart. Pray specifically for 19 million dollars in this calendar year to build the shell of  the new Collyer building that will enable us to facilitate what He is calling us to build in this New Era. (Psalm 127:1)

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