Holy Week: Day Four

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Mar 27, 2024


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Holy Week: Day Four

Holy Week: Day Four


Wednesday, March 27, 2024





College View Sanctuary

933 College View Dr.
Redding, CA 96003


Welcome to Day Four of Holy Week!

Join us as you are able for times of prayer and worship today in our College View Sanctuary, as we focus our attention on the work of Christ in His journey to the Cross and through the resurrection!

Morning Prayer: 7:30am - 8:30am

Evening Worship: 8:00pm - 9:00pm


Wednesday, March 27, 2024



00:00am - 00:00pm


College View Sanctuary

933 College View Dr.
Redding, CA 96003



The Armstrongs will be leading us in a time of prayer Wednesday morning as we continue to journey together through the story of Holy Week and celebrate our King. We invite you to pause and reflect on Mary's extravagant worship of Jesus as she poured oil on His feet and anointed Him.


Ben Armstrong
Ben Armstrong

Prophetic Overseer

Heather Armstrong
Heather Armstrong

Local Women's Pastor

Ben Armstrong

Prophetic Overseer

Ben Armstrong is the Overseer of Prophetic Ministry at Bethel Church, Redding, where he and his wife, Heather Armstrong, both serve as pastors. Through teaching and preaching, Ben equips people with the skills and tools they need to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. He has a passion to see individuals fully equipped in living a prophetic lifestyle, as well as walking in the revelatory gifts. Ben has a passion for the pursuit of God’s presence, seeing worship reach new heavenly realms, dreams and interpretation, healing, and living a prophetic lifestyle. They have three amazing children; Conner, Kira, and Madison. Ben, Heather, and their children are passionate about living the kingdom and bringing the supernatural in their family life and equipping others to do the same.

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Ben Armstrong

Heather Armstrong

Local Women's Pastor

Heather Armstrong is a gifted photographer and runs a successful photography business. She is a strong communicator and operates in prophetic gifting, partnering with her creativity to capture the heart of those she works with. Heather’s heart and passion are to inspire and encourage others to walk in all that God has called them to be. Along with her husband, Ben Armstrong, Heather pastors the Bethel Cascade Campus. She is a mother to three young adult children. Together Ben and Heather have encouraged their kids to value their dreams and hear the voice of God. Heather says, “Revival isn’t revival until it shows up in our homes!”

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Heather Armstrong

Worship Leaders


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